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【Detailed introduction】
The chemical structure of FM-6501 thickening agent products and thickening
FM-6501 thickening agent is amorphous silica gel using special technology, will be replaced by the original free silica in the liquid space, has rich pore volume structure, silanol surface contains a certain amount of silanol groups of adjacent particles between the hydrogen bonding, forming a three-dimensional structure.
Silanol (Si-Oh) hydrophilic of FM-6501 products effect, performance and decided to silica is most important, they constitute a real activity center, which are mutually and other substances can form hydrogen bond.
Three dimensional structure is more significant, the more obvious the gelation. When the FM-6501 products added to the liquid, bonding and produce three to network structure formation of silanols adjacent particles, hindered the liquid particle movement, viscosity increases with the FM-6501 product is added, the network structure is more compact, viscosity increased, in static state, the viscosity reaches the highest.
When replying to the static condition, the three-dimensional structure of self rebirth, viscosity increases again, FM-6501 product performance strong thickening properties. Extinction powder easily dispersed in any coating, high speed mixer can only generally, using about 5 m / s blade peripheral speed, stirring after 15-20 minutes, you can achieve the well dispersed Hegman fineness of 15-25 microns, value.